If you have a ministry that is not listed we are always open to new ministries! The more the better!
1. We have a vibrant health ministry and host the Gettysburg Vegetarian / Vegan Dinner Club monthly. We serve free meals and have quarterly guest speakers that are well attended by the community. We also had a monthly demo, that will be resumed after the 1st of the year. They are always looking for speakers and demonstrators.
2. We have a Community Service Ministry that reaches out in many ways to the community.
- We provide food boxes on a regular basis to those in need and especially during the holidays with Thanksgiving and Christmas food boxes.
- We provide birthday kits to homeless shelters and for those in need that want to have birthday parties for loved ones.
- Shoe ministry. We are providing hundreds of shoes for people in need.
- Bread ministry. Our leader, Dottie Poulsen, gathers up day old bread from and Supermarkets and restaurants and makes it available free of charge to those in need. Members can give a donation in exchange for bread which helps Dottie’s many ministries.
- We are on-call with the area council of churches to help families with rent, medical funds, fuel, diapers, transportation, etc. at a moment’s notice.
3. Eden’s Way Community Garden. We have a large, fenced garden plot in our church yard. We provide vegetables for the SCCAP - South Central Community Action Program and for anyone at our church. This year we donated, combined. over 1000 pounds+ (still counting) We could sure use some help with the garden! A perk of gardening with us you also get some of the bounty!
4. Women’s Ministries - We meet monthly for meetings, guest speakers, Bible study, breakfasts, Secret-sisters, etc. The ladies love their time together and have various events planned.
5. Men’s Ministries - meet quarterly and have prayer breakfasts and provide support for each other.
6. Communications - We are active on social media with both church pages and private group prayer page, maintain a website, constantly reaching out to the community via many media outlets to let them know of our events. We are always looking for people that want to be involved with Communications or have the interest in spreading God’s 3 angels message!
7. Personal Ministries - Coordinates all the church ministries and plans new ones. They meet a minimum of 4 times a year (quarterly). They also have Bible studies - home (individual), in person, and ZOOM ongoing on a regular basis.
8. Our school - We are looking to get our school back up and running as a full-time brick and mortar school. There will be many opportunities to volunteer available.
9. Deacon/Deaconess Ministries - provide support to our church members in need, maintain the church properties, coordinate funeral luncheons and special occasions.
10. Social Ministry - provides support for all our church social and fundraising events.
11. VBS (Vacation Bible School) Program every summer. This for both members and community.
12. Pathfinders - for those who are in the fifth (5th) grade or its equivalent through the eighth (8th) grade. 5th and 6th graders are often referred to as "Junior" pathfinders, and 7th and 8th graders are often referred to as "Teen" Pathfinders. The Teen Leadership Training (TLT) program works closely with the Pathfinder program and is for high school students (grades 9-12).
13. Adventurers - Not active currently. This is for K-4th grade.