You came from heaven to earth, to show the way
From the earth to the cross, my debt to pay
From the cross to the grave, from the grave to the sky
Lord I lift YOUR name on high!
This weekend we remember--the Sabbath and the fact of Jesus' Resurrection. Because He Lives,
we also can live now and forever with Him
Just click on the Blue Words to connect with each item
at the time listed.
Zoom Sabbath School starts at 9:30 Sabbath morning. Jody will be leading our discussion on "The Origin and Nature of the Bible"
Our Sabbath sermon, "The Holy Spirit and the Cross" begins at 11:10 Sabbath morning. Pastor Lynn will speak God's words to us.
Tithe and Offerings Please continue to give faithfully to support our local church and conference. The PA Conference is facing a major shortfall in funds due to the coronavirus closures. You may also mail your gift directly to Joann Witta, Treasurer, 4963 Lehman Rd, Spring Grove, PA 17362
Prayer Focus: Our front-line healthcare workers--John Craigle, Paul Johnson, Jamie Bange, Ramona Spangler-Crone
Hope Awakens starts on Friday, April 17 at 7pm. Please register and pray for this unique, online evangelistic series. Our church is joining with over 400 churches across the country to support this outreach. We will receive the names of those in our community who attend online and fully expect that God will use this method to draw people to Him! We are partnering with our sister church in Gettysburg and are grateful for our team of online Bible workers!
JESUS, from Sight & Sound, will be available FREE this weekend. Please see a separate email for information and the links to enjoy this excellent production.
Finally, Virtual Game Night and Devotions start at 7pm, Saturday evening. Join your church family for Sunset worship followed by online FUN!
Please contact Pastor Lynn, Bill Waring, Tony or Sue Smith with any needs that you know of during this time of the unexpected and unplanned.