We're adding one more way people can join us for worship at 11:00 am on Sabbath mornings during the pandemic. Those without internet or smart phones can simply call our conference call line at 10:55 am, 605-472-5260, and enter code 662834, and join us via the phone with just audio. We recognize that many of our older members don’t have access or are unsure of how to join us on Facebook.
Can you help us get this information out by sharing it with friends you know who can't worship online? Share the number and code, tell them to call at 10:55. We'll have someone greeting them before we put the mic on the stage and they'll be able to hear Elder Gary Gibbs' sermon live. We do ask that all who call in refrain for talking during the service and make sure there is no background noise.
It's another attempt by Conference leadership to make sure we are #UnitedTogether during this time of crisis!
Know our team is praying for you!