Because churches are offering their own services—online or in person, the Conference will no longer provide a worship service on Sabbath mornings on Facebook beginning June 6, 2020. We will continue to provide children’s Sabbath School classes but will also discontinue to the adult Sabbath School class beginning June 6, 2020. Thank you for joining us and participating in these services! If your church remains closed or does not offer services for you to attend, please visit our website for links to Pennsylvania churches who are online.
Our final May 30, 2020 worship service can be joined:
· By calling our audio line, call 605-472-5260 and enter code: 662834
· On our YouTube page, go to YouTube and search for Pennsylvania Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
Note you do not need to have a Facebook page in order to view our online worship service. Just click to proceed to the page without creating your own profile.
The worship services will be archived on both Facebook and YouTube for those who would like to enjoy the service later in the day, after your church service is over.